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Hine, A., Gibson, C., Carr, C. (2024) Green hydrogen regions: emergent spatial imaginaries and material politics of energy transition. Regional Studies, 1-18.


Hine, A., Gibson, C., & Mayes, R. (2023). Critical minerals: rethinking extractivism? Australian Geographer (ahead-of-print), 1–18. 


Hine, A., Mayes, R., Hurst, B. (2022) The finch in the coal mine: interrogating the environmental politics of extinction narratives. Geographical Research. Awarded the Wiley Prize at the Institute for Australian Geographers Conference 2023. 


Hine, A., & Mayes, R. (2022). Mobilising subterranean geopolitics: The spectre of spontaneous combustion and post mining imaginaries. Geoforum, 130, 1–10. 


Lobo, M., & Hine, A. (2022). Storying Strata: Entangling Coal and Energy Futures in Australia and India. Geopolitics. 

Hine, A. (2021) Disrupting landscape: enacting zones of socio-material entanglement for alternative futures. The Extractive Industries and Society 8:2. 


Hine, A., Medvecky, F. (2015) Unfinished Science in Museums: a push for critical science literacy. Journal of Science Communication 14:2. 


Kirsch, P., Hine, A., Maybury, T. (2015). A model for the implementation of industry-wide knowledge sharing to improve risk management practice. Safety Science
80: 66-76. 




Hine, A. (forthcoming) Recognising the voluminous agencies of extractive landscapes: a critical agenda. In M. Qviström (Ed), A research agenda for landscape studies of planning, Elgar.


Mayes, R., Hine, A. (forthcoming) Doctoral students, gender and sexuality. In: The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education.


Edwards, C., Hine, A. (forthcoming) The Mines of Tomorrow: More-than-human operators of deep sea urbanisation. In FA. Jørgensen & D. Jørgensen (Eds), Sharing Spaces. Pittsburgh University Press.


Hine, A., Kirsch, P. (2018) Dreams of futures past - curating post-mining landscapes, in From Start to Finish: A Life-of-Mine Perspective, AusIMM Spectrum Series, 277-286. 


Rifkin, W., Hine, A. (2015) The Case for Student-Generated Digital Media Assignments in Science Courses, in Hoban, G. et al. (ed.) Student-generated Digital Media in Science Education: Learning, explaining and communicating content, Routledge, 13-24.




Hine, A. (2024) DeepPhytos Co. & the limits of control. 00-01 WATER, PLATYPUS Essentials, Platypus Publication.


Hine, A., Edwards, C. (2023) Abyssal Hyperreality. In: Forum: The Ocean Decade: Exploring (more-than) Peopled Sea(s) from
the Molecular to the Planetary. Society+Space Magazine


Hine, A., Edwards, C. (2020) Death metal — Rediscovering the shimmer in gold. Kerb Journal 28. 


Hine, A. (2020) [book review] Submerged perspectives: finding dissent in the industrial centres of South America’s globalising modernity, Postcolonial Studies. 


Kirsch, P., Hine, A., Amizlev, I. (2014) Red Mud: Art and the Post-Mining Landscape, Artlink Magazine, Adelaide 34:4, 35-39. 




Hine, A., Edwards, C. (2023) Critical minerals on the abyssal plains: legitimising resource exploitation through contemporary visions of a ‘life- zero’ environment. Critical Minerals Symposium, September 2023, Sydney Environment Institute. 


Hine, A. (2023) Murder mysteries and the experimental science of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal startups. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2023, Perth.


Hine, A., Gibson, C., Carr, C. (2022) Troublesome materialities and the regional hydrogen imaginary. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2022, Armidale.


Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2022. 

Hine, A. (2021) A Good Use of a Finch. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2021, Sydney. 


Hine, A., Mayes, R. (2021) Putting out fires: Spon-com’s spectral intrusions on post mining possibilities. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2021, Sydney. 

Hine, A., Harvey, MA. (2019) Trace elements: Selenium and its weed across the ‘Badlands’. IAG Conference, July 2019, Hobart. 


Hine, A., Edwards, C. (2018) The Mines of Tomorrow: More-than-human operators of deep sea urbanisation. NZGS / IAG Conference, July 2018, Auckland. 


Edwards, C. Hine, A. (2018) The Mines of Tomorrow: more-than-human operators of deep sea urbanisation. Closing the Gap - How technology changes spatial relationships between humans and animals, March 2018, Nordic Centre, Fudan University, Shanghai. [Forthcoming as book chapter]


Hine, A. (2017) How to See a Mine: the role and visibility of situated knowledges within mine closure planning. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, July 2017, Brisbane.


Hine, A., Erskine, P. (2016) Recognising and Integrating Stakeholder Landform Expectations into Life-of-mine Planning, AusIMM Life of Mine conference [peer-reviewed], September 2016, Brisbane, Queensland.


Hine, A. (2016) How to See a Mine: Tracing and projecting partial, situated knowledges as future anthropocenic landscapes, Royal Geographical Society conference, August 2016, London, UK.


Kirsch, P., Hine, A., Amizlev, I. (2015) Earthworks/Mineworks: creating shared visions for postmined landscapes/landshapes. Mine Closure 2015 conference [peer-reviewed], June 2015, Vancouver, Canada.


Hine, A., Kirsch, P. (2014) Dreams of futures past: Curating post-mining landscapes, AusIMM Life of Mine conference [peer-reviewed], July 2014, Brisbane, Queensland.


© 2024 by Amelia Hine. 

I was born in lutruwita on palawa Country and raised in Meanjin on the lands of the Turrbal and Jagera People. I pay enduring respect to these nations and acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded. 

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